The what, why and how… of travel sprogs.

A few years ago, my dad told me to start a blog. Having no idea what a blog was, I thought he’d lost his marbles. Turns out old dad was right on the money.

As my life enters the wonderful thirties I find myself questioning what I’m most passionate about. Cliché you say? Well maybe. But I’ve taken some time to reflect on what I want from life and more important, what I want to share with others.

My passion is travel.

Sapphire Beach
No place like home… Sapphire Beach, Coffs Harbour

Not just doing it but reading about it (I have a bit of an obsession with Lonely Planet books) and as a former travel agent I loved taking brochures home and reading them from cover to cover.

Nothing is more exciting for me than getting a great deal, making a new discovery, reading a great book…. and dragging my family along for the ride. I spend way too much time researching anything and everything on the internet… Google is my BFF!

My life so far has been rich with experiences. Born and bred in Australia, I fled my homeland at the ripe old age of 17 to learn the language of love in France. It was a year full of growing up, meeting new people and eating new food. Snails, frog legs, and even a chicken’s heart. They served it, I ate it.

My plan was to return to Oz, save some money and go to Uni… but the travel bug had struck and I couldn’t say no…

Backpacking around Europe led me to Canada, specifically the French-speaking part to get my French back up to speed and spend a season in the snow…. Those few months turned into a year after falling head over heels for a Frenchie (yes a real ‘’pure-bred’’ one… not one of those Québécois).

What followed was a stint back down-under and then 8 years in Mont-Tremblant where my 2 munchkins were born… And now I’m sitting writing this in the south of France.

Quel chance!!!

So why ‘travelsprogs’?

I decided I had to let go of my youth (cue few moments of crying in a ball in the corner) and give up the idea I could once again backpack around Europe without responsibility… Yes, I have two little girls, and they have taken over my life! I was looking for alternate words for children, something that was a little Aussie, and sprogs came up. Now I don’t know about you but the word ‘’sprogs’’ makes me giggle, and that’s what I was going for. A word that sticks in your head and puts a smile on your face.

Enough about me… What’s in it for you?

I’m going to save you the time and hassle of researching and give you the best information and tips for traveling with your kids. I will be there to answer your questions and if I don’t know the answer, I will find it!

Through my love of researching and my years of traveling, moving from country to country and having kids I must say I’ve got quite a lot of experience and knowledge to share with you. So, if you dare, join me as I delve into the world of blogging and share a lot of helpful tips and hopefully a few photos that’ll make you laugh (or cry…) I must warn you though that I can sometimes be a little crazy (I think motherhood has loosened a few screws…).


  1. Amber McDermott

    Woohoo! Looking forward to reading and learning. We’re doing a bit of camping this year… never have before so if you have any tips?

    1. Naomi

      Love camping!! Definitely add it to my list… thanks for the idea. Hope all is fabulous for you and your peenapples 😛 xoxo

  2. Lauren

    Can’t wait to hear your travel tips and adventures stories!! I took the “then” photo….Now I need a “now” photo! Hopefully soon 😊. Xoxo

    1. Naomi

      Yeah brought back happy memories (oh to be young again…. sigh….)….
      yeah we need to all do a catch up in oz!!!!!

  3. Sabine Fischer

    So great to see your Blog Naomi! Great help for a lot of families! Keep going 🙂
    All the best!

    1. Naomi

      Thanks for taking the time to comment! Hope all is going well for you. xoxo

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